Mental Health Disorders in Teenagers
Executive Director, Darlene Masters
Today, one in five teens has a diagnosable mental health disorder, such as depression or anxiety. And these teen mental disorders are on the rise. In fact, experts say that mental disorders in teenagers are at an all-time high. However, many adolescents don’t get the type of mental health treatment they need. In fact, six out of 10 teens with depression don’t get treatment. And eight out of 10 teens with anxiety don’t receive treatment. Disclosing to friends and/or family that they have a mental illness can heighten the symptoms of their illness and, therefore, prevent them from sharing their story.
Disclosing mental health issues can be scary, intimidating and sometimes emotionally and physically dangerous. However, disclosing can also be freeing and help in dealing with the symptoms and behaviors due to mental health needs. Mental Health affects a person's thinking, feeling or mood. Illnesses may affect someone's ability to relate to others and function each day.
Each person is valued and given the choice to tell their story or obstacles that they endure due to the struggles and triumphs they face on a daily basis. Giving the proper tools and education to those that are weighing the options and timing of making a disclosure of mental health provides each individual with empowerment over their choices.
A tool is available to help agencies working with teens with mental illness. Rogers Memorial has helped fund workbooks to utilize during sessions with teens. Family Advocates staff that have undergone training will be using this resource. If you are working with teens experiencing mental health struggles, please contact us for information on this resource.
#mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #depression #anxiety #teens #teenagers #notjustgrowingpains #notpuberty
Newport Academy “A Guide to Teen Mental Disorders”
Southwest Wisconsin Community Action Program “Up to Me Training”