Hi, I’m Matt Larson, the youth services Director at Family Advocates.
I have been at Family Advocates coming up on three years. I’d like to take a couple of minutes to introduce myself, and give you a little background as to how I came to be here.
A few of my experiences that I have had prior to working at Family Advocates include: working as a teacher aid in special ed programs at elementary and middle school levels, opening and operating a special education center and a transportation service for children with sensory processing and behavioral disorders, managing group homes for teens and young men that were diagnosed with similar disorders and I also have worked in a secured facility for individuals with severe mentally illnesses and sexual predators who had been deemed dangerous to themselves or others.
These experiences have given me opportunities to develop skills around hearing the people that I work with without judging them or their situations. To communicate with them and not to them. Now you might see me using these skills and more throughout Grant, Iowa or Lafayette counties. I provide Direct 1-1 and group services for both youth and parents. I also take part in presentations for schools and can arrange for small group services in schools as well.
For more information, please reach out to me at 608-778-3528, or youthservices@familyadv.org. If you need immediate assistance and would like to talk to one of our advocates, you can call our hotline at 800-924-2624