Programs & Groups
Helpline 1-800-924-2624
*Family Advocates Facilitated*
Our services are free and confidential.
Our programs and groups are designed to meet the needs of the group, as such, we do require everyone to register prior to attending a session. Please call 608.348.5995 and ask to speak to the advocate facilitating the program/group you are interested in.
Grant County Support Group
Lafayette County Support Group
Youth Group
Peer Support Group | Healthy Relationships
Bi Weekly - Mondays 5 to 7 PM
Email Kira for more information: EMAIL ME
Iowa County Support Group
Iowa County Peer Support Group
Tuesdays - 2 to 3 PM
Email Paula for more information: EMAIL ME
Kids in Transition (KIT)
Afterschool - Homework & Mentoring
(During School Year)
Tuesdays - 3 to 5 PM and Wednesdays - 2 to 4 PM
Email Kira for more information: EMAIL ME
Choices Group
Teen Group Session
Facilitated at select schools by an advocate. Email Kira for more information: EMAIL ME
College Support
Group (UWP)
Artfully Surviving Sexual Violence Group
(A artful way to process/heal current or past traumas.)
Mondays - 4 to 5 PM (at UWP) Royce Rm 226
Email Paula for more information: EMAIL ME